
The Weekly Wave 07/15/24

August 15, 2024
min read
The Weekly Wave 07/15/24

The Weekly Wave: 07/15/24

Hello, AI enthusiasts! Welcome to this week's edition of The Weekly Wave, where we surf through the latest developments in artificial intelligence. Let's dive into the most intriguing stories making waves in the AI world.

OpenAI's AGI Roadmap

OpenAI has unveiled a five-level system to track its progress towards AGI (Artificial General Intelligence). Currently at Level 1 ("Chatbots"), they're approaching Level 2 ("Reasoners"). The ultimate goal? Level 5 ("Organizations"), where AI can function like an entire company. It's an ambitious framework, but defining intelligence remains a complex challenge.

AI Model Updates

- Google DeepMind's Gemini is enhancing robot navigation with its impressive 1M token context window.

- Anthropic released new developer tools for prompt engineering and testing.

- Two Paris-based labs, Kyutai and Bioptimus, launched new models: the multimodal assistant Moshi and the open-source H-optimus-0 for disease diagnosis.

The AI Economy: Boom or Bubble?

Recent analyses question how AI companies will justify their sky-high valuations. While OpenAI leads with an estimated $3.4B in revenue, other players like GitHub Copilot are trailing far behind. Yet, investors like SoftBank and a16z continue to pour billions into the AI race. Are we witnessing a bubble, or the birth of a new economic powerhouse?

EU AI Act: The Countdown Begins

The final text of the EU AI Act has been published, set to take effect on August 1st. This landmark legislation introduces a risk-based approach to AI regulation, with full enforcement planned for mid-2026. Developers of "high-risk" AI applications in areas like law enforcement and education will face stringent safety standards.

AI and the Law

- A judge dismissed most claims in a lawsuit against GitHub, Microsoft, and OpenAI over alleged code copying.

- U.S. senators introduced the COPIED Act to protect artists from unauthorized AI training.

- The DOJ seized Twitter accounts using AI-generated content for misinformation.

Quick Bytes

- AMD is acquiring Finnish start-up Silo AI for $665M.

- Tesla is prioritizing VIP driver data for self-driving software training.

- Quora's Poe now allows users to create and share web apps.

- ElevenLabs launched Voice Isolator.

- The UK politician accused of being AI turned out to be a real person!

That's all for this week's Wave! As AI continues to reshape our world, stay curious and stay informed!